As the Tricia Turner Group, we work with a team of qualified specialists to help with the sale of your home, from beginning to end. We have put together a full marketing team, our own staging company, as well as a Preferred Partner Program, which involves a list of vendors that we know, like, and trust.
No truly successful company on the planet has one person doing everything, including the real estate company you hire. We would love to be your expert home selling advisors.
With over 25 years in the real estate industry, and having SOLD thousands of homes, TTG has put together some amazing plans and programs that are unique to our organization, and have the best results in achieving our goals. We keep our eyes laser focused on the market and what’s ahead, while maintaining a unique culture within our organization.
Our belief in providing the best customer experience keeps us steadfast as innovators, as we continue to differentiate ourselves from our competition. No other real estate company has employed such strategies and opportunities to help the consumer experience as TTG.
What separates us…
~ The Coming Soon Listing Program - we have a private FB group that we moderate which allows us to market our listings, before they are active, to the top producers in our industry~
~ Our own “Make it Pretty” Program allows you, the homeowner, to have repairs done on your home prior to listing, with no upfront cost to you
~ Professional STAGING INCLUDED with our own staging company Honeybee Homestaging & More
~ Our own 60 Step Listing Program - for optimal marketing on all listings which includes a partnership with to maximize our exposure
~ Protect and Serve Program - we give discounts and rebates to all military, police officers, firefighters, first responders, and teachers
~ Easy Exit Listing Plan - you can fire us for any reason if you are not 100% satisfied
~ Flexible Commission Plan - Pay as little as zero% commission
~ Immediate Buyout Program with our own CASH OFFER DIVISION
~ Love It or Leave It Program - if you’re not happy in your home during the first 12 months of owning it, we’ll sell it for you for FREE (waive the listing broker fee of 3%)
~ Immediate Response System - All buyer inquiries will be handled in 5 minutes or less and most often within the first 60 seconds
~ Reverse Offer Strategy - this lets us go to buyers that may be on the fence about your home and make an offer to them, with terms, conditions, and prices that are acceptable to all parties
~ Preferred Partner Program - a list of vendors that we work exclusively with - you can locate them at:
~ Move for Free - use of our company moving truck at no charge...forever
With the real estate industry always changing, it is imperative that we stay ahead of the curve and always have the best techniques to help you, the consumer, with one of the largest investments in your life
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